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xF1 Add-on Esthetic Simple Payments 1.0.2

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Esthetic Simple Payments - addition to receiving payments through Robox system. Pay increase the rights of users.Receiving donations. Accounting for payments.

1. Introduction

This product can be of interest to the board administrators who want to start working on the monetization of its life. As is known, the basic functionality XenForo provides an opportunity to work with just one electronic payment system - PayPal. Despite the rather large popularity abroad, this system is not particularly relevant for Runet, and even unavailable for some Russian-speaking countries. Supplement Esthetic Simple Payments allow you to carry out the complete replacement of the payment system PayPal to more current system

The system receiving electronic payments Robox is a versatile tool that will enable users to make your elevation using the most popular e-currencies such as WebMoney, Yandex.Money, pay for services using a regular bank card. Why Robox? As practice shows, Robox system has long been a reliable partner for many online retailers. In the arsenal of the company's many years of experience, a high level of business standards for WebMoney, good customer reviews. Robox It can become a reliable partner for your earnings on the Internet. Supplement Esthetic Simple Payments can also accept donations of users that necessarily useful new forums in which the issue of funding is usually very important. 2. Requirements The current version of the add-on (1.0.3) for the correct operation requires XenForo version not lower than 1.2. 3. Installation Instructions Installation of additions is quite simple and does not require any additional actions: - Copy the contents of the archive to a temporary directory. - Copy the contents of the folder ./upload the folder that contains XenForo scripts on your hosting. For example:/var/www/ - Open Forum Control Panel from Home -> Install new addition . - Select the installation file esthetic.simple.payments.v.1.xxxml from the temporary directory. - Click on " install addition "and wait for the installation. the installed product does not require any additional revisions of templates and is ready for use immediately after installation. 4. Setting additions Caution During installation and configuration of the joint venture supplement is strongly recommended to close the board, thus limiting the access of ordinary users to a resource. 4.1. Registration in the system Robox
To register Robox system, as a partner,

Once registered in the system and perform all the necessary settings, you can start recording your store. By default, the store created in test mode. To enable it, you need to make a request to support. Created shop immediately appears in the list. Note:After activating the store return to the test mode is invalid. It is highly recommended to activate the store only after setting additions and successful completion of all tests. 4.2. Merchant merchant settings To continue, open the settings specified route additions

Control Panel -> Home -> Settings -> Esthetic Simple Payments

In a new tab, open the store settings in Robox system, as shown: Fill in the settings field shop "Password # 1" and "Password # 2", and then transfer these values and the value of the field "Store ID" in the appropriate fields in the add-ons settings : Copy the necessary links "Result Url", "Success Url " and "Fail Url" of the settings additions in the appropriate fields in the store settings.Reference method should be specified, "the Post". Click the "Advanced Settings" in the settings, and install add-test mode the merchant, and then save the settings and store additions. If the settings are correct, then save the settings to complement the new tab panel "Currency Setup" should appear. Specify a value for the "base currency". It shall conform to the selected method of calculation to store the settings: You can also specify an alternative name of the currency, such as "rub.". Thus, all the lists of the history of payments and dialogs value "of WMR" will be automatically changed to "rub.". Save the settings supplements again, after which it will become available for use. 5. Work with increased work with the enhancements are not particularly different from the principle of working with the basic functionality XenForo. All you need to - it's easy to create the desired increase in the control panel. With the active supplement, enhancing payment Robox system will be replaced immediately, as can be seen already at the stage of creating promotions. Thus, you can provide paid services to users of your forum, for example, by providing online access to the private sections, access to advanced functionality. 6 . Working with donations donation unit is also made available as soon as it is activated in the settings, add-ons. By default, the unit displays the donations in the sidebar offline. Also, you can place the unit in any other place, by using insert the following code

<Xen: hook name = "estsp_donation_box"> </ xen: hook>

Besides the usual donations, you can create donations for various purposes. To do this, open the forum control panel on the route:
Control Panel -> Users -> Goals donations

Each goal can have additional settings, such as the relevance of the term, the amount of the collection. When the amount of the collection is clearly indicated under the description of the donation will also be displayed indicator fundraising. After a sufficient amount or timing of the end of the gathering, the goal is no longer displayed in the list of available targets, but not removed from the database because it is needed in the future for the correct display of history. 7. Payment History To view the history of payments you must open the control panel on the route

Control Panel -> Users -> Payments

Page history display has additional display filters, which will help you to quickly find the required payment, report and budget. In addition, you can export the results to a file for further processing. When you export the data generated based on the filter settings.
78.5 KB
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