- Compatible XF Versions
- 1.5
- Additional Requirements
- XenForo 1.5.3 or later.
PHP 5.3.7 or later.
GoodForNothing Core.
eAccelarator Disabled - conflicts with closures.
We all know what a classified app does, right? For those who don't know: GoodForNothing Classifieds allows your users to list items/adverts that they want to sell or exchange for a price or something else. It's kind of like what eBay does.
You can learn more about classified adverts on Wikipedia: Classified advertising - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So I'll just go into the feature list of this add-on

Firstly, the add-on can be divided into five main modules:
- Advert Types - this is the type of the item the user is going to post. This is used for "primary" classification of the adverts and the three basic advert types available as default are:
- For Sale
- Wanted
- Exchange
- Packages - when a users creates a classified, he/she has to select a package that will determine how long (in days) the classified is going to be active, how many times the classified can renewed, will the classified automatically be featured for more exposure and such.
You can also charge your users for creating or renewing their classifieds by creating packages that require payments. - Custom Fields - this will allow the admins to create distinct fields for the classifieds the users are going to post. These can be made required or optional. These can be used to create, for example, classifieds that is an event which needs a "Date" field so that the viewers know when the event is going to take place.
- Classified Prefixes - this can be made selectable for the user who can choose to further classify the item. And also a good way to filter the classifieds.
- Nested Categories - this is the module that combines / creates bridge between all other modules mentioned above. Admins can also set permissions per category basis (and child categories inheriting that of the parent) and also moderators per category.
- Home and Category views with "Newest Classifieds", "Expiring", "Price", "Views" tabs to sort the classifieds.
- Classified Filters on Home and Category views to filter the classifieds listed by their state (active, expired, closed) and/or the prefix used and/or the advert type.
- Image Gallery to showcase the classified.
- Featured Image / Classified Icon for classifieds.
- Watchable categories and classifieds. Users will get notification when a new classified is created in the watch categories and notifications when a new comment is posted on watched classifieds.
- Full integration with XenForo's Search Engine-
Users can also search for location based classifieds by entering the location (city name, country, etc) in the keywords field in the classified search form. - The history of item description is saved to database by associating it XenForo's edit history handler to prevent frauds and anyone who has the permission can view the history and see the changed.
- Visitors can directly contact the advertiser from the classified view page if they have the permission and the classified is open. Clicking the contact button loads the message editor. The contact messages has been integrated with XenForo's Private Conversation for better experience.
- Comments section which can be enabled / disabled on per category basis.
- Linked threads for discussions related to the classified, which can be enabled / disabled on per category basis.
- Exhaustive permissions for every available actions related to classifieds. Which can also be set on per category basis. Too many to list here.
- Like Handlers for Classifieds and Comments.
- Attachment Handlers for Classifieds and Gallery.
- Alert Handlers for Classifieds and Comments.
- News Feed Handlers for Classifieds and Comments.
- Report Handlers for Classifieds and Comments.
- Warning Handlers for Classifieds and Comments.
- Moderation Helpers for Classifieds and Comments.
- Moderators can be set on per category basis.
- Classifieds can be Marked as Featured for more exposure. This can be integrated with the package module so that classifieds created using a specific package will be automatically featured.
- Statistics to show how many classifieds have been created, how much did the site make from selling packages, etc. More detailed stats will be added later on!
GFNClassifieds Demo Board
Future Plans
Even though the add-on has tons of features, we still lack some features that some communities need/want. Currently we are missing the most important one: Trader Rating System which we are currently working on and should be available very soon.
Other features that are in the queue:
- Auction system
- Support for Vendors/Shops
- Resolution Center
There will be more posts to discuss how these modules should be handled in the near future

Check attachments ↓
Or for better quality images, please visit: Classified Screenies
- Download and extract the package.
- Upload everything from the 'upload' folder to your forum's root directory.
- Import the XML file named 'addon-GFNClassifieds.xml' from your AdminCP.
- You will be redirected to a page to enter the public and private keys. Please ignore this page for now and next start with the configuration.
- If you are not a super admin. You will have to enable the admin permissions by GFNClassifieds before you can access the classifieds section.

Also please check out the notes posted below.
All the available options can be found at AdminCP -> Applications -> Classifieds -> System Options.
There are also some UI settings in the Style Properties section.
Once that is done, you will have to set the user permissions, created packages and categories and start inviting your members to post on the classifieds!

Please Note
- If you want to sell "paid" packages, you will need to install [bd] Paygates: [bd] Paygates
- This add-on requires GoodForNothing Core which is bundled together with the package and will be automatically installed during the installation of GoodForNothing Classifieds.
- In the future, this add-on will contact our API server to fetch the latest exchange rates and such. And that time you will have to enter the private and public keys that you can generate from your account control panel over at GoodForNothing Labs.
- To learn more about our GoodForNothing Core add-on please visit: gfnlabs/core · GitHub