[fgX] Clean and Simple Thread Lists

xF1 Add-on [fgX] Clean and Simple Thread Lists 2.8.0

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Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.5
A good forum software like XenForo must provide lots of features to the users. But have You ever given a thought to how many of your forum visitors that are using all these functions? Probably very few... The users that are actually even aware that they can sort the discussion listings in various ways are rare.

This add-on aims to remove or hide features that are seldom used in favor for a simpler user interface, allowing your website visitors to focus on the content by unbloating the graphical user interface.

This add-on will affect the appearance of all thread listings. (Including new-posts, unread posts, watched threads etc). It will also add blocks in the thread listings telling search engines that certain phrases should not be indexed (Words like: "Replies", "Threads", "Views" etc) .

Thread listings:
  • The pink sectionheader can be removed.
  • Some columns can be removed while some of the information is moved into remaining columns.
  • <!--googleoff: index--> and <!--googleon: index--> tags are used to inform search engines that some phrases are not relevant for your site nor important to index.
  • An additional CSS file, fgx_cstl.css is being used.
  • Profile pictures optionally gets circle shaped. This can be turned off in the options if desired.
This it what it looks like without this add-on:

This it what it looks like using this add-on:

This add-on is fully compatible with [fgX] Discussion Preview
Below is an example what it might look like using this add-on in combination with [fgX] Discussion Preview(previewing both the message text and thread images)

If You opt to "Add Poster Avatar and Timestamp Into the Main Column" it may look like the following. (This example is also combined with the [fgX] Discussion Preview ) It will look a bit like a well known social networking website.

There are quite a few configuration options available for the add-on:
11.1 KB
First release
Last update

More resources from AnimeHaxor

Latest updates

  1. Version 2.8.0 released

    Fixed in version 2.8.0 Removed the option to add a reply link after the previewed message. The...
  2. Version 2.7.2 released

    Fixed in version 2.7.2 Added back the last posters username and time stamp when there are no...
  3. Version 2.7.0 released

    New features in version 2.7.0 Added the option "Show View Count on the Stats Line". Select...

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