Release Date: February 12th, 2019

Content analysis recalibration (beta):

* As there are already a lot of users who are participating in testing, we currently have enough input to start preparing for the release of the improved analysis.
* Removes the ability to enable beta testing for new installations.
* When the feature is disabled, the ability to re-enable it will disappear.
9.4 Updated
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Reactions: giofox
= 9.3.0 =
Release Date: December 18th, 2018


* Reapplies the markers in Gutenberg when the content changes to make sure they stay up-to-date.
* Changes the output of schema preventing unnecessary escaping of forward slashes, only available on sites running PHP 5.4 or higher.
* Changes the website schema `@id` attribute to include the home URL to be a unique identifier.
* Adds the page number to the breadcrumbs when an archived page is entered.
* Removes a redundant Edge-specific CSS fix for the tooltips in the post overview. Props [mkronenfeld](


* Fixes a bug where the 'Select primary category' label in the primary taxonomy picker would overlap the 'Add new category' button.
* Fixes a bug where the cornerstone filter was still visible with the metabox disabled.
* Fixes a bug where non-functional markers are shown for taxonomy pages.
* Fixes a bug where the `og:description` tag would remain empty after setting the author description.
* Fixes a bug where texts in the configuration wizard would overlap each other and break out of the columns in Internet Explorer 11. Props [DrGrimshaw](
* Fixes a bug where keyphrases weren't recognized in the URL when the words in the URL were separated by underscore characters instead of hyphens.
* Fixes a bug that caused numbers to be stripped when marking a keyphrase containing a number, e.g. 'Yoast SEO 9.3'.
* Fixes a bug where the first tab of the metabox would be empty when using WordPress 4.8.x.
* Fixes a bug where private post types would have a sitemap with their 'private' entries.


* Implemented performance optimizations in FAQ and How To blocks.
Release Date: October 30th, 2018


* Fixes a bug where the metabox was broken when using the classic editor plugin.
* Fixes a bug where the Chrome browser tab would crash on Windows when a French or Italian text contains sentences in passive voice, props [CarloCannas](
* Fixes a bug where the Yoast SEO analysis would error if used together with the DelightfulDownloads plugin.
Release Date: October 9th, 2018


* Fixes a bug where the cornerstone content toggle was available for attachment pages.
* Fixes a bug where the Search Console page displayed 'first detected' and 'last crawled' dates that were in the future.


* Introduces the `wpseo_taxonomy_content_fields` filter to add additional fields to the taxonomy metabox.
* Adds a margin below select fields so there's space between taxonomy settings for breadcrumbs. Props to [@emilyatmobtown](
Release Date: September 20th, 2018


* Fixes a bug where the Chrome or Opera browser tab would crash on Windows when a Polish text contains sentences in passive voice.
Release Date: September 11th, 2018


* Introduces a How-To block in Gutenberg to create a How-to guide in an SEO-friendly way. Read more about the Gutenblocks in [](our release post).
* Introduces a FAQ block in Gutenberg to list your Frequently Asked Questions in an SEO-friendly way. Read more about the Gutenblocks in [](our release post).
* Adds readability analysis for Polish.
* On Multisite environments, in addition to the site domain, path and ID, also site titles are now present in the site selection dropdowns.


* Fixes a bug where changing the WordPress slug would not correctly update the snippet editor.
* Fixes a bug where the user input would trigger an analysis every time.
* Fixes a bug with incorrect zooming on older iPhones within the installation wizard.
* Fixes a bug where the OpenGraph image wouldn't show correctly for the frontpage in a few situations. Props to [@mt8]( for the solution direction.
* Fixes a bug where the Yoast SEO network admin menu and admin bar menu would appear when the plugin was only active for the main site, and not for the entire network.
* Fixes a bug where snippet variables in the Twitter card title and description wouldn't be properly replaced.
* Fixes a bug where a non-existing dependency was requested on the Search Appearance settings page.
* Fixes a bug where the value of the primary category snippet variable in the classic editor wouldn't change when the primary category was changed.
* Fixes a bug where the Gutenberg editor in the Classic Editor plugin would crash when the primary category picker was loaded. If something goes wrong in the primary category picker, it now shows a notification, instead of making the entire editor crash.
* Fixes a bug where the readability analysis would not show the correct scores for cornerstone content.
* Fixes a bug where switching off the SEO analysis would stop the readability analysis from loading.
* Fixes a fatal error on the Term and Post edit pages when the server is running on PHP 5.2.