Do you have a node (or more) on your site that you would like to avoid being indexed? This is the add on for you. This add on allows you to (un)check a box that will make it so the threads and posts from within are not indexed and cannot be searched (using the XenForo search functionality, search engines may still have access to your content based on other settings).
When you change your settings, old content will not be removed from the index until you force the index to be rebuilt. You can do this by editing a thread individually, moving all the threads out of the node and then back into it, or by rebuilding your search index entirely.
Before selecting to exclude the node from the search index:
Setting the option
Results after:
When you change your settings, old content will not be removed from the index until you force the index to be rebuilt. You can do this by editing a thread individually, moving all the threads out of the node and then back into it, or by rebuilding your search index entirely.
Before selecting to exclude the node from the search index:

Setting the option

Results after:
