Version check

xF2 Add-on Version check 2.0

No permission to download
Compatible XF Versions
  1. 2.0
  2. 2.1
  3. 2.2

Checks add-ons developed by XF2 Addons and reports if any need upgrading.

(Example of Version check page)


(Example of Options page)



All phrases start with versioncheck_ for your convenience.

How to use:
  1. Only those with Administrator privileges can run this add-on.
  2. In your browser address bar, add 'versioncheck' to your forum URL and press enter.
Upgrade option:

The Upgrade link will show if the option is selected in the Options page. If selected you will need to enter your Board path and Temporary path.

Most servers will already have a /tmp/ folder located inside the /home/user/ folder. You want to make sure you have selected a directory outside the DOCUMENT_ROOT. If your server does not have a /home/user/tmp/ directory you will need to create one.

The Upgrade link allows the admin to easily upgrade an add-on. When clicked the latest version of the add-on is copied to your server and the familiar XenForo Upgrade dialog is displayed allowing you to upgrade the add-on.

Questions and Answers:

Q: Will this show information on add-ons created by other developers?
A: No.

Q: I get an error message "ZIP is not enabled on your server.", what does this mean?
A: It means you have to enable ZIP on your server. Here's a link that explains the steps:

How to enable ZIP on your server
19.6 KB
First release
Last update

More resources from Admin

Latest updates

  1. 2.0

  2. Version check v.17 changes:

    Removed dependency to use file_get_contents.
  3. Version check v1.6 changes:

    Added Note column. The Note column will indicate if the add-on requires XF v2.1 or newer.

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