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xF1 Add-on vBulletin Big Board Importer [vBulletin 3 + vBulletin 4] 1.5.0

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Warning: This addon is for advanced users only. If you are unable to troubleshoot MySQL, PHP CLI and perform general server admin, then you should use a 3rd party to perform the import for you. This addon is not affiliated with XenForo Ltd.

Today i'm happy to release the vBulletin Big Board Importer (Smaller boards can use the free importers available for VB3 which is built into XenForo or VB4 at this link). This Big Board importer is based off the A.R.F.I CLI importer by Shawn at @digitalpoint and has been extensively modified by @Jake Bunce and @Slavik to expand its capabilities to include the following:
  • Imports from vBulletin 3
  • Imports from vBulletin 4
  • Attachments from the FileSystem or Database
  • Avatars from the FileSystem or Database

This importer has had a lot of work put into it, and is priced as such at $150 which is broken down as follows:
  • $30 to Shawn Hogan for the original licensing fee for A.R.F.I
  • $60 to Slavik for alterations made to support generic vBulletin4 imports
  • $60 to Jake Bunce for alterations made to support vBulletin3 imports, tidying up a lot of the code and combining everything into 2 amazingly easy to use files.

Special thanks also to @Mike and @Robbo for input and assitance in getting things working.

Importer Technical Requirements
  • Linux or similar type of server (this will not work on Windows)
  • PHP with PCNTL extensions compiled into it
  • sed, split, & PERL need to be installed on server (pretty standard for any server)

Importer Board Requirements
  • The source database user MUST have GRANT ALL priviliges.
  • The files should be run on the database server for best speed (Remote MySQL will still work, just slower due to network bottleneck).

  1. Install XenForo
  2. Upload the Importer files to your XenForo directory.
  3. Open the Export.php and fill in the required details as commented
  4. Run the Exporter via CLI.
  5. Open the Importer.php file and fill in the relevent database informationand the temp data directory on line 45. Save the changes.
  6. Run the Importer via CLI.
  7. When finished, log into your AdminCP and rebuild all caches.

Support is provided on a "Best Effort" basis rather than as a guarantee.

Managed imports are available on request at additoinal cost dependent on the forum size.
21.8 KB
First release
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