- Compatible XF Versions
- 1.2
- 1.3
- 1.4
- 1.5
Sends an email reminder to users who have an account upgrade about to expire.
(Example of email that is sent)
(Example of Options page)
Sends an email reminder to users who have an account upgrade about to expire.
(Example of email that is sent)

(Example of Options page)

- Adjustable number of days to send email before upgrade expires.
- Emails are sent automatically via Cron entry.
- Email are sent to non-recurring upgrades only.
- All phrases start with userupgradereminder_ for your convenience.
- Download userupgradereminder_v1.5.zip and unzip it.
- Upload the Andy folder to your server. The correct location is library/Andy.
- From your Admin Control Panel, go to the "Install Add-on" page.
- Upload the addon-UserUpgradeReminder_v1.5.xml file.
- Click the Install Add-on button.
- Edit the following phrases:
- Some forums requre the Language ID to be set. When editing the the phrases, look at the URL and see if the language_id is other than 1, if so set it to the language _id shown in the URL.
- Admin CP -> Users -> List User Upgrades.
- Manually Update User (typically a test account) and set Upgrade Ends date to same as Options setting (default is 7 days).
- Admin CP -> Tools -> Cron Entries
- Under the User Upgrade Reminder Controls, Run the cron manually.
- Verify email is received and looks appropriate.