User Profile Progress

xF1 Add-on User Profile Progress 1.0.4

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Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.2
  2. 1.3
  3. 1.4
  4. 1.5
This add-on allows you to set tasks for your users to complete to get closer to completing their profile. This encourages them to fill in their profile and do various tasks, promoting more activity on your forum. Reward users for participating.

  • Make tasks based on user and user field criteria
  • Tasks add up to a full percentage where the user has successfully completed their profile
  • Integrated into XF notices system
  • Multiple displays on showing the profile progress
  • Uses XF cron to update profile progress, with specific subsections for efficiency
  • Smart logic
    • Remove tasks from user if deleted efficiently using deferred system
  • Send alert to user after completing tasks
  • Clearly show user what tasks remain, how to complete them and how much % it adds
  • Users do not necessarily need to complete every task to achieve 100%, they just need to get to 100% through various tasks. If desired, you can choose different routes to achieve full profile progress (or, traditionally, just make them add up to 100%)
  • Order tasks based on desired order
  • Award trophies for task completion
  • Toggle if tasks are active (enable/disable them when desired)

Have you wanted to let your users know what steps to take in order to get started on your site and make their first steps into your community? This add-on bridges the gap between their registration and becoming valued members of your community. No more getting stuck wondering what to do after registration. This add-on provides goals and aims after registration for users.




1. Unzip aUserProfileProgress-{version}.zip
2. Upload the contents of the upload directory to your XenForo installation
3. Install the add-on by the following method
Admin CP -> Add-ons -> Install Add-on ->
Install from uploaded file:
Upload addon-aUserProfileProgress.xml
Install from file on server:
4. The add-on should now install, and a short rebuilding process should occur. Once done, the installation has been successful!

1 new table:
  • aupp_tasks
2 new columns in xf_user:
  • aupp_completed_tasks
  • aupp_percent_completed
76.1 KB
First release
Last update

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