[TH] XenBlog

xF1 Add-on [TH] XenBlog 1.1.0a

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Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.4
  2. 1.5
This mod will add a blogging system to your forum.

Categories: You can add unlimited categories from your acp. When you add an category, you can set it as parent or a child of another category. You can also set the category order in which to display them and enter a description as to what that category is about. You can also re-arrange the categories display order with ease.

When you add a blog, you can assign it to a category. It supports the rich BB Code&Smily editor.

Attachments. Attachments are supported as well. You can enable/disable adding and/viewing of attachments per group.

Admin Panel: Admins can also add blogs from the Acp.

There are 3 types of blogs that the admin(s) can add.

1) Plain text with bbcode and smily support. Just as you would in a normal post.

2) Html.

3) Php. To use php in your blog content, use the $output variable. For ex: $output = 'Hello World!';
return $output;

Navigation: You can enter the name for the tab and choose the display position in the navigation bar.

Display Order: After blogs have been added, they will be displayed on the blog page. By default they will display in the recent order. You have the option to set the default display order to other fields as well, such as: Last Updated, Most Viewed, Most Replied, Title (alphabetical), Latest Comments, Most Rated and Most Liked.

Those display options are avaliable to the front users as well.

Sorting Order: By default blogs will be sorted in descending order. You can change that behaviour from the mod settings at the acp, so they will be sorted into ascending order.

New Indicator: An indicator that will show users how many new blogs have been added, is available in the blog tab in the navigation bar.

Inline Moderation. You can delete, undelete, approve and unapprove mass blogs through the inline moderation tool.

Quick Stats: A block with several quick stats will be shown in the blogs page and categories.

Top Bloggers: A block with the top bloggers will be shown in the blogs page and categories.

Forum Index: You can display x blogs in the forum index page.

Like Integration: Blogs can be liked by users with the appropriate permissions. The blog owners will receive an alert when one of their blog(s) have been liked.

Edit/Delete Permisisons. Users can edit and delete their own/and or all blogs according to the permisisons. Blogs deletion can be done in 2 ways, soft and hard. Soft deleted blogs can be restored back by users with the appropriate permisisons. Also a time limit on editing/deleting own blogs is available.

Maximum Length: Blog messages have a maxium length limit set at the mod settings in the acp. (Staff is excluded from this limit.)

Tagging Integration: Users can tag each other in blogs. Then tagged users will receive an alert.

Daily Limit: A daily limit on how many blogs users can post is available as group permission.

Reply Alert: Blog owners will receive an alert anytime someone will comment in one of their blogs.

Moderation Queue: You can set it for users of a group(s) to be moderated when they post blogs.

Report Integration: Users can report blogs.

Rate Integration: Blogs can be rated by users with the appropriate permissions. The blog owners will receive an alert when one of their blog(s) have been rated. A daily limit on how many blogs users can rate is available as group permission.

Watch Integration: Users can wach a blog and receive a notification when someone makes a comment on a blog(s) that they are watching.

Sitemap Integration.

What 's New Integration.

Search Integration.

Newsfeed Integration: When a new blog has been added and liked, it will appear at the news feed activity as well.

Moderation Log Integration.

User Ignore:
Users will not see the blogs of those that they are ignoring.

View Ip. Users with the permissions to view the ips, will be able to look up the ips of users in blogs as well.

Bloog Tools: In each blog(s), a tool is available as well, that will allow the admin to perform the following actions for that particular blog.

a) Stick/Unstick the blog.
b) Disable/Enable the blog.
c) Disable/Enable the comment system for that blog.
d) Prune all comments for that blog.
e) Prune all ratings for that blog.
f) View all users who viewed that blog.
g) View all users who are watching that blog.

All these actions will be logged in the Moderator log in the Acp.

Recount&Rebuilt. Running this tool will delete blogs, comments and ratings posted by deleted users and guests. Note that this may take a while in big forums with large numbers of blogs.

User Criteria. It adds to the users criteria based on how many blogs users have added. Also the blog count number is available in users profiles and postbits.

Notable Page: A new blog with the top bloggers has been added to the notable page as well.

Commenting System: A fully Ajax and bb code&smiley editor comment system is available in each blog.

Comment Length: Comment messages have a maxium length limit set at the mod settings in the acp. (Staff is excluded from this limit.)

Tagging Integration: Users can tag each other in comments. Then tagged users will receive an alert.

Daily Limit: A daily limit on how many comments users can make is available as group permission.

Reply Alert: Blog owners will receive an alert anytime someone will comment in one of their blogs.

Moderation Queue: You can set it for users of a group(s) to be moderated when they comment in blogs.

Report Integration: Users can report comments.

Edit: Users can edit their own comments and/or all comments depending on their permissions.

Delete: Users can delete their own comments and/or all comments depending on their permissions. Deleting can be done soft and hard. Soft deleted posts can be restored again.

Also a time limit on editing/deleting own comments is available.

View Ip. Users with the permissions to view the ips, will be able to look up the ips of commenters in blogs as well.

Recent Comments: A block with the most recent comments will be shown in the blogs page.

Like Integration: Blog comments can be liked by users with the appropriate permissions. The commenters will receive an alert when one of their comments(s) have been liked.

User Ignore: Users will not see the comments of those that they are ignoring.

Comment Sorting: Comments can be sorted by date and or likes in Descending/Ascending order.

Inline Moderation. You can delete, undelete, approve and unapprove mass comments through the inline moderation tool.

Top Commenters: A block with the top commenters will be shown in the blogs page.

To have a clearer idea as to what the mod looks like in action, please check out the attached screenshots.
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  2. Version 1.1.0 Released

    Changes: Assorted bugfixes Incorrect blog post counter Refactored many incorrect phrases...
  3. Updated
