[BUG] - Warmup Plans would cause the delivery servers to sometimes get stuck when switching between plans
[ADD] - Added ability to send campaigns only between certain hours
[ENH] - Skip tracking URLs by adding the disable-tracking query param to the URL you want to skip, i.e: (Contact MailWizz or Contact MailWizz)
[ENH] - Using the 'campaign.track.click.url.segment' app param, you can now customize the tracking url for clicks
[ENH] - Using the 'campaign.track.open.url.segment' app param, you can now customize the tracking url for opens
[MSC] - Overall fixes
[UPD] - Updated composer packages
[BUG] - RSS/JSON feeds would create duplicate rows when using index based tags
[ADD] - Added campaign_custom_unsubscribe_url_enabled filter hook
[ADD] - Added campaign_custom_unsubscribe_url_template filter hook
[ADD] - Added the X-Frame-Options header with the SAMEORIGIN value
[BUG] - Fix a bug where the drag and drop builder would encode quotes for background image style attribute
[BUG] - Fix a bug where blank charts when sharing campaign reports
[ENH] - PHP 8.0 and PHP 8.1 better compatibility
[RMV] - Removed setting the auto_detect_line_endings directive
[ADD] - Added campaign_test_email_delivery_server_use_for filter hook
[ADD] - Added template_test_email_delivery_server_use_for filter hook
[UPD] - Updated Dompdf library to 2.x
[CHG] - Use the official PHP SDK for pepipost
[ADD] - Option to select all the links to populate a custom field on "Change subscriber custom field on link click"
[MSC] - Overall fixes
[UPD] - Updated composer packages
[ADD] - Show attachments list in the confirmation page of the campaign
[CHG] - Change the wording from "Send campaigns" to "Schedule campaign" in the confirmation step of the campaign
[ENH] - If enabled, forced opt-in and opt-out will now propagate in frontend, and api as well, dynamically
[MSC] - Overall fixes
[UPD] - Updated composer packages
[ADD] - Added note in the welcome step of the installer as to what to do if the installer does not pass the welcome screen
[ENH] - Encode subject and body in the list unsubscribe header value
[MSC] - Overall fixes
[UPD] - Updated composer packages
[MSC] - Overall fixes
[UPD] - Updated composer packages
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Reactions: jojomarrach
[ADD] - Added support for Embed Images for Mailgun Web Api
[BUG] - Fix a bug in the Symfony Mailer implementation for embed images
[RMV] - Deprecated AppInitHelper::fixRemoteAddress
[ADD] - Added options to tell the app it is running under a reverse proxy so that it extracts the right IP addresses for visitors
[SEC] - Fixed a bug that allowed guest users to bypass the anti-brute login mechanism and do more login requests that allowed
[CHG] - Changed the way we retrieve the IP addresses of visitors. See IP detection changes since v2.1.10 | The MailWizz KB
[BUG] - The search extension would show the search modal in the login screen when it should not
[ADD] - Implemented backoff/throttle for failed login attempts
[ADD] - Added Warmup Plans for delivery servers, to build sender reputation over a period of time. See Delivery Servers Warmup Plans | The MailWizz KB
[UPD] - CSS updates
[MSC] - Overall fixes
[UPD] - Updated composer packages
[MSC] - Overall fixes
[UPD] - Updated composer packages
[BUG] - Unparsed URLs in web version when opened without a subscriber identifier
[CHG] - Bounces / FBLs / EBMs will not be identified via custom headers anymore BUT only via the original message id
[RMV] - Removed all custom headers used to identify a campaign / subscribers, we're using the Message-Id header now
[BUG] - URL would not be normalised in some cases when doing redirects for tracking
[BUG] - Possible duplicate open tracking pixel under certain circumstances
[ENH] - Make sure we add the open tracking pixel only if it does not exists in the content
[BUG] - Remove Postmark delivery server casting to array which would cause the message to deliver but report it did not
[MSC] - Overall fixes
[UPD] - Updated composer packages
[ADD] - Added a new chart in the list overview showing the growth/shrink over a period. The hourly cron is handling creating the counters
[MSC] - Overall fixes
[UPD] - Updated composer packages