Icewind Insolent One

xF1 Add-on Icewind Insolent One 1.2

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📀 Resource submitted by: AnimeHaxor • 💬 Messages: 6522 • 🏆 Points: 113 • 👍 Likes: 40591 • 📀 Resources: 2252
Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.2
  2. 1.3
  3. 1.4
  4. 1.5
Members of your forum will need to answer a CAPTCHA before logging in. This is to help slow down brute force log-ins right off the bat. Members with the Stay logged in already checked, will obviously not need to.

To use this add-on, the Login Limit method under users options must be set to CAPTCHA. If it is set to block, this add-on is designed to work as if it was not installed (otherwise, no member could log in), until CAPTCHA is selected.

For user experience, it is recommended that you set the Enable CAPTCHA for guests to Use reCAPTCHA (No CAPTCHA).

Logging in to the AdminCP is per normal and does not use a CAPTCHA as it is defaulted to block on four unsuccessful login attempts.

Template Modifications: one for the log-in bar form.

DB Changes: none.

Install: read the readme file before installing. Standard install, upload the files and import the XML.

Uninstall: uninstall the add-on, and remove the uploaded files.

Callbacks: already happened. You received one from this add-on 12 years ago. Think back...

Branding: -ing +y

You can only install this add-on if downloaded from or And that you are comfortable with editing your config file to include $config['enableListeners'] = false; (just in case, I don't anticipate you will need to, but who knows in this weird and wacky world, if something can go wrong it probably will...)
6.4 KB
First release
Last update

More resources from AnimeHaxor

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  1. TFA Check

    If failed in attempts was not set to allow for one, the initial TFA screen would throw a too...
  2. Now Gluten Free

    - added an option to allow one failed login attempt before a CAPTCHA is used. Directly below...

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