[Herocraft Development] Minecraft Server Status Block

xF1 Add-on [Herocraft Development] Minecraft Server Status Block 2.2.0-b2

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📀 Resource submitted by: Admin • 💬 Messages: 15976 • 🏆 Points: 113 • 👍 Likes: 56199 • 📀 Resources: 5940
Minecraft Server Status Block
This add-on simply adds a widget/block your forum so you can display live information about your server (or servers) to your players!

Important Notice

This add-on if now free! It says 0.01USD but clicking on that link will download the add-on. I've sent a PM to the XenForo staff to see if I can convert the resource to a free one.

The reason is that I now no longer have time to be able the support and attention to make it worthy of being up to that standard.

I am still planning to update this to XenPorta 2.0 and iron out a few issues the current version has but I cannot give an ETA or make any promises. I will however be releasing it under the MIT license and open sourcing it so if anyone want to create their own fork an update it themselves, they can.

Refunds for recent purchases
I am also aware that my support and attention to this add-on has been poor at best over the last year. So, if you have bought the add-on within the last 12 months I'm willing to refund you the full amount via Paypal minus the fees it takes to send the refund. Send me a PM or flick me an email at [email protected]

  • Uses Minecraft's built in query system
  • Support for multiple servers
  • Player List with Avatars and Usernames
  • Supports XenPorta and Widget Framework
  • Queries via Cron Job


This add-on is now free :).

Bug Reports and Suggestions
If you find any bugs or have a suggestion, send me a PM :)! Alternatively, you can reply to this resources thread. (There is a more formal way to do this in the works).

Take a look at the FAQ to see if it answers your question first. If it doesn't send me a PM but I cannot guarantee at the moment because of other commitments. I will endeavour to reply eventually though!

Installation instructions are included in the download :)

Terms and Conditions

  • You may redistribute this add-on under the terms of the MIT license.
58.9 KB
First release
Last update

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