- Compatible XF Versions
- 1.5
Now you have two add-ons in one! Site Tour + Site Hint!
You can also check the demo in support site
With this add-on, you can create unlimited tours and hints in your site for any part that you want. Using its dedicated panel, you can easily manage your tours and hints and re order them as you wish. There are lots of options that let you get what exactly you want.
You can also check the demo in support site
With this add-on, you can create unlimited tours and hints in your site for any part that you want. Using its dedicated panel, you can easily manage your tours and hints and re order them as you wish. There are lots of options that let you get what exactly you want.
- Add unlimited Tour for any place of your Xenforo
- Add unlimited Hint for any place of your Xenforo
- Style Properties For all parts of Tour (Hint also inherit somehow)
- Options of Tour:
- Auto Play Tour
- Themes (7 different themes)
- Custom
- Dark
- Flattener
- Nassim
- Nazanin
- Royal
- Modern
- Hide navbar link of Play Tour
- Next Button
- Prev Button
- Skip Button
- Done Button
- Exit On Esc
- Exit on overlay
- Show Step Number
- Keyboard Navigate
- Show Buttons
- Show Bullets
- Show Tour Progress
- Scroll To Element
- Overlay Opacity
- Disable interaction
- Scroll Padding
- Hide Next
- Hide Prev
- ... (More will come)
- Options for Hint
- Inherits almost all things from Tour's options ( + new things)
- Hide nav link of Show Hint
- Hint Button Lable
- Tooltip Position
- Hint Position
- Hint Animation
- Options when creating a tour:
- Title (supports HTML)
- Element Identifier
- Message (supports HTML)
- Tour is Active
- Display Order
- I don't promise to update it regularly
- But because we use it in our own site too, so all reported bugs will be fixed asap.
- And also good suggestions will be implemented when finding free time to do (but try to do them asap).
- Because of this, I set its license as Lifetime. So you don't need to pay for renewal (and donations are always welcome)
- Used Libraries:
Intro.js = (license Purchased to use in add-on)