Compatible XF Versions:
XenForo Resource Manager > 1.1.x
Visible Branding:
Add new option to the notices creation page to allow creation of notices that are displayed in the Resource Manager.
Install/Uninstall instructions
The readme is available HERE. If you had the ThemesCorp version installed on your forum, please read these update instructions HERE before installing the Xen Factory version.
- 1.4
- 1.5
XenForo Resource Manager > 1.1.x
Visible Branding:
- XenForo > 1.4.x
Add new option to the notices creation page to allow creation of notices that are displayed in the Resource Manager.

Install/Uninstall instructions
The readme is available HERE. If you had the ThemesCorp version installed on your forum, please read these update instructions HERE before installing the Xen Factory version.