Easy User Ban by Siropu

xF1 Add-on Easy User Ban by Siropu 1.4.4

No permission to download
"Maximum Users to Ban/Unban at Once" could not be set to 0.

Ban/unban notifications do not get posted when the action is taken from ACP.
Added option to post thread notifications for warning bans.
Fixed a bug with banned avatar crop offset position.
Fixed a bug in quick unbanning.

A new phrase has been added for a quick unbanning confirmation message.
Added option to search for banned users in the Easy User Ban moderator log.
Display ban length in the Easy User Ban moderator log.
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Reactions: Tyyyyy
  • Added option to set a custom banned avatar path.
  • Added option to disable ban/unban links in member profile, member card, thread posts, profile posts and conversation posts.
  • When unbanning a user, banned ips will also be unbanned.
  • Added a new option in Easy User Ban moderator log to display banned IPs (Permission based)
Fixed a phrase misspelling when banning.
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Reactions: hkg
Added option to ban user IP. This option is permission based.
New phrases have been added for each ban/unban action response.
A bug with recent and expiring bans widget on banned users list.
ifortusLatest member