Divi Builder Plugins

WP Divi Builder Plugins 4.19.5 Nulled

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- Fixed Theme Builder compatibility with WordPress 4.9.x.
- Fixed margin inconsistencies in the pricing table.
- Added Post Categories Dynamic Content support in the Theme Builder.
- Fixed text module content sync not working properly for global modules with responsive content on.
- Fixed 1/3 column improperly stacking on certain viewports.
- Fixed Divider module's Line Color hover CSS always being printed even if not enabled.
- Fixed an issue with array conversation that was causing a PHP fatal error in some cases.
- Fixed some Menu styling.
- Fixed broken WooCommerce Column Structure on Category Pages.
- Fixed Divi Woo Layout Injector usage combined with Theme Builder causing duplicated layouts.
- Removed unnecessary data included in the payload of some AJAX requests.
- Fixed wrong order class applying to Inner Columns in Visual Builder in some cases.
- Fixed image in the Post Slider module having a different size on the front end.
- Fixed margin and padding hover preview not working in VB if no values are set for default state.
- Fixed Menu Module Logo's maximum width causing the mobile menu and other icons to be positioned incorrectly.
- Improved ACF support in Theme Builder to resolve Dynamic Content on archive pages for categories, tags, custom taxonomies and authors.
- Fixed some Settings Bar buttons group being misplaced.
- Fixed Woo Image Modules looking shrunk when inserted using DBP.
- Fixed mobile menu hamburger icon being positioned incorrectly when using the centered menu style.
- Fixed Dynamic Content that does not rely on the current post being disabled in contexts that do not have a post such as 404 pages.
- Fixed tabs module not working on second page of blog module pagination.
- Fixed setting Bg color on Woo Cart Notice when Color scheme is used.
- Fixed fatal error in Woo Gallery module when no product is found.
- Added Copy/Paste between Contact Form & Add to Cart Fields option group.
- Fixed console log error when opening pricing table item at the first time.
- Fixed an HTML validation error caused by unnecessary parentheses in the image tag sizes attribute.
- Fixed some HTML Tags being stripped while importing Theme Builder exports.
- Fixed a bug that would cause some attachments not to be imported.
- Fixed Woo Image Modules looking shrunk when inserted using DBP.
* core/components/Portability.php
* divi-builder.php
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/feature/dynamic-content.php
* includes/builder/feature/search-posts.php
* includes/builder/feature/woocommerce-modules.php
* includes/builder/framework.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/assets.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/theme-builder/admin.php
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/module/Divider.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthMenu.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthPostSlider.php
* includes/builder/module/Gallery.php
* includes/builder/module/Menu.php
* includes/builder/module/PostSlider.php
* includes/builder/module/woocommerce/CartNotice.php
* includes/builder/module/woocommerce/Gallery.php
* includes/builder/plugin-compat/advanced-custom-fields.php
* includes/builder/plugin-compat/divi_woo_layout_injector.php
* includes/builder/plugin-compat/wp-smushit.php
* includes/builder/post/PostStack.php
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend-builder-scripts.js
* includes/builder/styles/frontend-builder-global-style.css
- Fixed short-code not working in excerpts for Blog module.
- Improved Visual Builder loading time.
- Fixed unnecessary margin-bottom in the pricing table module.
- Fixed the issue where Text and Box Shadow options were not reset correctly if those type of options have Global Defaults assigned.
- Improved performance by using an option template mechanism.
- Fixed decimal number for circle counter not working in Visual Builder.
- Fixed unnecessary margins in Fullwidth Header that don't use an image.
- Fixed justify text alignment option not working in tablet and phone.
- Removed the PHP warning that appeared when the Divi Builder plugin was activated along with any legacy Elegant Themes theme.
- Fixed grid thumbnail images not being same size for portfolio and gallery module.
- Fixed broken icon when the icon size is enabled on hover but the value is inherited from the desktop size.
- Fixed 406 Not Acceptable errors when submitting forms on certain hosting providers.
- Fixed a case where Safe Mode could not be enabled in Support Center.
- Fixed the issue when Divi Library JSON layouts were imported without the Type attribute.
- Added Support Center to Bloom, Monarch, and Divi Builder plugins.
* core/admin/css/wp-admin.css
* core/admin/images/epanel/colorpicker_overlay.png
* core/admin/images/epanel/colorpicker_select.gif
* core/admin/images/epanel/custom_background.png
* core/admin/images/epanel/custom_hex.png
* core/admin/images/epanel/custom_hsb_b.png
* core/admin/images/epanel/custom_hsb_h.png
* core/admin/images/epanel/custom_hsb_s.png
* core/admin/images/epanel/custom_indic.gif
* core/admin/images/epanel/custom_rgb_b.png
* core/admin/images/epanel/custom_rgb_g.png
* core/admin/images/epanel/custom_rgb_r.png
* core/admin/images/epanel/custom_submit.png
* core/admin/images/epanel/postinfo-author.gif
* core/admin/images/epanel/postinfo-categories.gif
* core/admin/images/epanel/postinfo-date.gif
* core/admin/images/epanel/select.png
* core/admin/images/epanel/select2.png
* core/admin/js/checkbox.js
* core/admin/js/colorpicker.js
* core/admin/js/eye.js
* core/admin/js/functions-init.js
* core/admin/js/support-center.js
* core/admin/js/wp-color-picker-alpha.min.js
* core/components/PageResource.php
* core/components/SupportCenter.php
* core/components/SupportCenterMUAutoloader.php
* core/components/init.php
* core/components/mu-plugins/SupportCenterSafeModeDisableChildThemes.php
* core/functions.php
* core/ui/utils/frames.js
* divi-builder.php
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/core.php
* includes/builder/feature/custom-defaults/Settings.php
* includes/builder/framework.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/assets.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/assets/css/responsive-preview.css
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/helpers.php
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/module/BarCountersItem.php
* includes/builder/module/Blog.php
* includes/builder/module/ContactForm.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthPortfolio.php
* includes/builder/module/Gallery.php
* includes/builder/module/Image.php
* includes/builder/module/Login.php
* includes/builder/module/Portfolio.php
* includes/builder/module/SocialMediaFollow.php
* includes/builder/module/SocialMediaFollowItem.php
* includes/builder/module/field/Border.php
* includes/builder/module/field/BoxShadow.php
* includes/builder/module/field/TextShadow.php
* includes/builder/module/helpers/OptionTemplate.php
* includes/builder/module/helpers/ResponsiveOptions.php
* includes/builder/module/settings/migration/TextAlignment.php
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
- Fixed the first embedded video for Video slider module not being rendered in the builder.
- Fixed wrong method used while sync the image metadata cache.
- Fixed inability to extend button options to other modules.
- Fixed module text alignment issue in FE when video in slider is used.
- Removed Text Text Alignment option, then migrate Text Text Alignment value into Text Alignment.
- Fixed too much spacing below responsive tabs for custom spacing options.
- Fixed third party extension child modules not receiving their dynamic prop in the Visual Builder.
- Fixed the issue when Theme Customizer Buttons settings were not retained after updating to a new theme version.
- Fixed missing separator when date is disabled for post title module.
- Removed inherit property value on padding, width, and display of Blurb content & image container when user set different image & icon position on mobile.
- Fixed the issue when Global Defaults settings became incorrect after importing Theme Customizer settings.
- Fixed the issue when image inner shadow assigned globally wasn't applied within the Visual Builder in some situations.
- Fixed alignment issue between contact form captcha and submit button.
- Fixed default title font size not being rendered as placeholder.
- Fixed unwanted empty paragraph tag added into responsive/hover content.
- Fixed PHP warning on FE due to incorrect Grunt translation.
- Fixed the "Use Background Color" field on the CTA module not working on tablet and phone.
- Fixed issue displaying images when using relative URL.
- Fixed background color rendering issue on bar counter module.
- Fixed JS error when we are editing background gradient then we close settings modal with ESC button.
- Fixed the issue when it was possible to paste unsupported elements on library items.
- Fixed the issue when copying styles between the modules under the global section/row did not get saved correctly.
- Fixed issue with Quick Access being unable to open Fields options group on Contact Form, Email Optin, Search, Comments, and Login.
- Fixed issue where image URL was not replaced when importing layout having images with unicode characters in file name.
* core/components/Portability.php
* core/components/cache/File.php
* core/functions.php
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/class-et-global-settings.php
* includes/builder/core.php
* includes/builder/feature/custom-defaults/Settings.php
* includes/builder/feature/search-posts.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/helpers.php
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/languages/sr_RS.po
* includes/builder/module/BarCounters.php
* includes/builder/module/BarCountersItem.php
* includes/builder/module/Cta.php
* includes/builder/module/PostTitle.php
* includes/builder/module/SliderItem.php
* includes/builder/module/Text.php
* includes/builder/module/helpers/MultiViewOptions.php
* includes/builder/module/helpers/ResponsiveOptions.php
* includes/builder/module/settings/Migration.php
* includes/builder/module/settings/migration/TextAlignment.php
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend-builder-scripts.js
- Fixed error that broke body content controls in 3rd party modules.
- Reset additional CSS on the contact form honeypot field.
- Fixed issue where window resize was triggered in a recursive loop for full screen sliders.
- Fixed PHP warning that could occur when all meta fields were enabled for the blog module.
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend-builder-scripts.js
* includes/builder/module/Blog.php
- Fixed an error that would sometimes be triggered when editing a Text element in the Visual Builder.
- Fixed the issue when computed module settings were not fetched correctly for 3rd party modules.
- Fixed the issue where conditional options wasn't saved properly under the Advanced tab of a module settings.
- Fixed Modules styles copy/paste issue when empty values were not applied in some cases.
- Fixed Right Click Menu for Child Item Settings Modal.
- Moved Row Margin option above the Row Padding in Settings Modal.
- Fixed rendering the last Column in a Row with parallax background image.
- Fixed Column Dividers position for Rows with left and right Padding.
- Fixed "et_pb_parallax_init is not defined" error when loading Visual Builder in some cases.
- Fixed Animations not rendering sometimes on reload on Safari browser.
- Minor code performance update.
* core/components/data/Utils.php
* includes/builder/api/DiviExtension.php
* includes/builder/framework.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/main-structure-elements.php
* includes/builder/module/ContactForm.php
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend-builder-scripts.js
- Added a mechanism to allow to set site-wide section/row/module defaults from right inside the builder.
- Fixed disabling Portability for specific modules not always disabling the Portability button.
- Fixed unwanted default values inheritance between Row and Columns.
- Fixed unsupported Row structure conversion to supported structure after manual Columns re-arrangement.
- Fixed Row Sizing migration that removed row custom gutter width.
- Fixed module align control missing buttons in Legacy Divi Builder.
- Fixed a PHP error that occurred when importing Divi Builder layouts that included post-based modules.
- Fixed Columns Migration issue with even columns structures in some cases in Legacy Divi Builder.
- Fixed rendering of the new 1/3 column inside the 2/3 Specialty Column on Frontend.
- Fixed Blurb Image inner box shadow.
- Fixed overflow options not saving in Legacy Divi Builder.
- Fixed incorrect main element selector on Blog and Portfolio modules when processing custom CSS on VB.
- Fixed LearnPress custom meta boxes disappearing when the Divi Builder is enabled.
- Fixed incorrect border and box shadow selectors used on Slider & Fullwidth Slider image element.
- Added hover support on blockquote border weight and border color.
- Fixed an issue that caused global loading spinner to be shown unnecessarily when opening module settings right after the builder loads.
* core/admin/css/core.css
* core/admin/js/portability.js
* core/components/Portability.php
* core/components/SupportCenter.php
* core/components/VersionRollback.php
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-settings.php
* includes/builder/class-et-global-settings.php
* includes/builder/core.php
* includes/builder/feature/custom-defaults/History.php
* includes/builder/feature/custom-defaults/Settings.php
* includes/builder/framework.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/helpers.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/i18n/quick-actions.php
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/main-structure-elements.php
* includes/builder/module/Accordion.php
* includes/builder/module/Blog.php
* includes/builder/module/Blurb.php
* includes/builder/module/FilterablePortfolio.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthPortfolio.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthPostSlider.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthSlider.php
* includes/builder/module/Portfolio.php
* includes/builder/module/PostSlider.php
* includes/builder/module/Slider.php
* includes/builder/module/SliderItem.php
* includes/builder/module/Testimonial.php
* includes/builder/module/Text.php
* includes/builder/module/Toggle.php
* includes/builder/module/VideoSlider.php
* includes/builder/module/field/MarginPadding.php
* includes/builder/module/field/Overflow.php
* includes/builder/module/settings/migration/RowCustomWidthToSizing.php
* includes/builder/module/settings/migration/RowZeroGutter.php
* includes/builder/module/type/PostBased.php
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend-builder-scripts.js
* includes/builder/styles/bb_bfb_common.css
- Fixed the Visual Builder re-loading after opening a settings modal quickly after the builder loaded.
- Fixed Visual Builder double loading issue that occured when using CPT Layout Injector plugins.
- Fixed Visual Builder double loading issue that occured when using different language settings for WordPress and user.
- Fixed Visual Builder double loading issue that occured once after rolling back to an older Divi version.
- Fixed Visual Builder double loading issue that occured while Divi Safe Mode was active.
- Fixed Visual Builder double loading issue that occured on some servers that added extra white spaces to builder definitions.
- Fixed Border Options controls mobile and hover icons disappearing.
- Fixed a bug in the Classic Divi Builder that caused module setting migrations to not be performed when importing layouts using the Divi Library and Portability features.
- Further reduced PHP memory usage.
- Fixed an error when Backend Visual Builder was used with WP versions prior 5.0.
- In some cases after using settings modal select control, the select did not lose it's hover state even after cursor hovered over another option.
- Added Slider Content Width and Content Max Width options.
- Updated Deutsch translations from the community.
- Prevent draggable padding getting hidden while dragging and holding shift key.
- Fixed module Parallax Background conflict with module overflow options.
- Fixed list style type, list style position, list style item indent, blockquote border weight, and blockquote border color not being rendered on the FE.
- Fixed Add New Column functionality when adding modules with Insert Module Quick Action.
- Fixed undefined content error that causes VB to not be able to paste module after deleting the last module on the column.
- Fixed border styles not working on Fullwidth Header Image element.
- Fixed background color when it was set as initial on incorrect condition by removing duplicated background image properties when background image and gradient are activated at the same time.
- Fixed section add row button spacing.
- Fixed button custom padding not working on various modules when the custom icon is disabled.
- Improved mouse cursor appearance when moving over Locked Module content.
- Fixed undefined variable when processing background image on button element.
- Fixed issue with Blurb module text center alignment on tablet and phone.
- Fixed javascript warning when grid mode is enabled.
- Fixed Module Alignment control not working.
- Updated Deutsch translations from the community.
* core/components/Portability.php
* core/components/SupportCenter.php
* core/languages/de_DE.po
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/core.php
* includes/builder/framework.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/helpers.php
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/languages/de_DE.po
* includes/builder/main-structure-elements.php
* includes/builder/module/BarCountersItem.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthHeader.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthPostSlider.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthSlider.php
* includes/builder/module/PostSlider.php
* includes/builder/module/Slider.php
* includes/builder/module/SliderItem.php
* includes/builder/module/field/MarginPadding.php
* includes/builder/post/type/Layout.php
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
- Fixed missing default padding for Columns in Specialty Sections in some cases.
- Fixed Column Options Migration in Classic Editor.
- Fixed inability to set global background color from Theme Customizer.
- Fixed Divider height set to 0px after theme update.
- Fixed PHP warning undefined module_id on column.
- Fixed Background Image rendering for Specialty Section Columns in Visual Builder.
- Disabled insert column hover line when Row has max Columns.
- Fixed empty column minimum height in Safari.
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/main-structure-elements.php
* includes/builder/module/settings/migration/DividerHeight.php
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
- Fixed issue where you couldn't hex color on background gradient color start and end.
- Fixed PHP warning on Library due to incorrect translation on closed anchor tag.
* divi-builder.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/languages/ja.po
- Fixed animations on modules that had transforms options on hover.
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js