Default Style Dark

xF1 Style Default Style Dark 1.1

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📀 Resource submitted by: Admin • 💬 Messages: 15976 • 🏆 Points: 113 • 👍 Likes: 56193 • 📀 Resources: 5939

Default Style Dark provides a dark theme for your forum.

Live example:

South Bay Riders

Be sure to select the Default Style Dark located in the footer. Note my forum has several add-ons installed so this is only an example.



Installation step 1:

This step installs a completely default style with only a few color pallet changes.
  1. Download and unzip it.
  2. From your Admin Control Panel, go to the "Appearance -> Styles" page.
  3. Click the Import a Style button and import style-Default-Style-Dark.xml file.


  4. Click the Import button.
Installation step 2:

This step adds rules to the EXTRA.css template. I prefer to make changes in the EXTRA.css template over using the Style Properties interface.
  1. The add-on includes a file called extra.css_v1.1.txt, copy the contents of this file to your clipboard.
  2. Open the EXTRA.css template in the Default Style Dark style.
  3. Paste from clipboard into EXTRA.css template (be sure to select the Default Style Dark style) and Save template.
Installation step 3:

These are Style Property changes I make on my forum.
  1. Style Properties: Header and Navigation -> Height of Header Logo -> change to 110px
  2. Style Properties: Forum / Node List -> Show Forum Descriptions on Node List -> uncheck
  3. Style Properties: Message Elements -> Show custom user fields -> check
  4. Style Properties: Message Elements -> Message Text -> Size -> 13px
  5. Style Properties: Message Elements -> Message Text -> Font Family -> verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif
2.6 KB
First release
Last update

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