- Compatible XF Versions
- 1.4
- 1.5
Feature Summary
Ever wanted to feature threads above the forum list, thread list, or on the new/recent posts pages like this?
- Feature, update, and unfeature threads
- The title and content can be edited independently of the original thread
- Polls can be displayed with their accompanying thread or independently
- Automatic featuring based on selected forums and criteria such as likes, replies, views, post date, reply date
- Separate page displaying all currently featured threads, with configurable pagination (e.g. 20 threads per page)
- The featured threads can be sorted based on various criteria, independent of the slider entries
- Option to enable a sidebar with online users, new posts, profile posts, statistics, custom templates for ads, etc.
- A dedicated [Home] tab means it can be used as a portal / home / landing page
- An archive page listing all currently and previously featured threads
- RSS feeds for the featured and archive pages
- Featured threads are displayed on various pages:
- Forum List
- Forum View
- New / Recent Posts
- Featured threads can be displayed as blocks only, on the page only, or not at all
- Featured threads can be promoted to a slider which can be displayed on each of the pages
- Custom icons, backgrounds and slider images can be set per featured thread when featuring or updating
- BB Code can be enabled or disabled for manually and automatically featured threads
- Attachments can be displayed full sized or as thumbnails
- The latest featured thread can be 'stuck' independently per page
- Members can dismiss the featured threads from the forum list, forum view and new / recent posts pages
- Featured threads can be set as dismissible when being featured or updated
- The associated thread data such as forum, date, likes, views, replies, etc. can be displayed
- Permission based with separate permissions for:
- Viewing featured threads
- Dismissing featured threads
- Featuring, updating and unfeaturing - 'own' and 'all'
- Social media sharing icons, with the ability to add custom services
- Alerts - members are alerted when their thread is featured
- Criteria for trophies, user group promotions, and notices
- Most Featured Threads tab on the Notable Members page
- Featured threads count can be displayed on the message user info block, member card, and profile page
- A separate profile tab and page for each member, listing all of their featured threads
- Position counters to enable advertisements and custom content to be inserted between or in the blocks
- Extensive Options enabling everything to be customised, configured, or even disabled
- Even more extensive Style Properties allowing for total customisation and control
- Fully phrased
- Very light on queries - 1 additional query per page
Ever wanted to feature threads above the forum list, thread list, or on the new/recent posts pages like this?