XenForo 1.x Tips And Guides

XenForo 1.x Tips And Guides

Top resources

How to install XenForo locally to your PC using XAMPP AnimeHaxor
A local installation is invaluable when testing add-ons, modifications and changes.
A database query to reset a user's password. Useful for recovery of admin login.
This tutorial will help you to setup Elasticsearch 6 on Red Hat/CentOS 7 64 bits based distribution.
CSS to move the xenForo sidebar from right to left ( screenshot included )
Guide: Random Banners - automatically timed rotating out from a banner pool AnimeHaxor
Banner - automatically timed rotating out from a banner pool of X banners, responsive banner adds
Conditional Statements AnimeHaxor
Guide and tutorial for conditional statements using XenForo syntax
XenForo Forum with Nginx fastcgi_cache full page guest caching AnimeHaxor
Capture returned data and persist it to a disk based cache store for a configurable amount of time.
Using Custom User Fields with User Group Promotions AnimeHaxor
Allow your members to choose which additional user groups they wish to be members of
Show or hide a template or content based on browser viewport width AnimeHaxor
A guide on how to show or hide a template or even content to a mobile device or small browser widths
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