Brivium - Positive / Negative Thread Rating System

xF1 Add-on Brivium - Positive / Negative Thread Rating System 2.0.0

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Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.2
  2. 1.3
  3. 1.4
Our add-on lets your members share their honest feedback on your site about a thread. Drive more traffic, give you total control and ownership.

Users feedbacks, ratings and reviews improve their decision making process to drive advertising sales and decrease returns directly on your site. Add Positive/Negative Thread Rating to your website. Quickly and easily, with reasonable price to please you.

You'll be surprised how easy it is to get satisfied users to advertise for you. Take advantage of social networking and word-of-mouth marketing in a thread to raise user’s desire and acceptance. Use for products, services, media – anything can be rated and reviewed in a thread of forum.

This add-on will add an advanced thread rating system to your forum. You can rate threads with positive/negative points. Thread ratings can be set so they can be given anonymously as well for users with permissions to rate anonymously. You can also leave a comment as well to go with your rating point(s). The comments can be required or optional. You can set a minimum characters limit as well. Staff will be excluded from this restriction.

After giving a reputation users have also the option to remove it. This is group permission based. Users whose rating(s) will be removed will receive an alert informing them of that fact. Receiving of rating deletion alerts can be enabled/disabled at users profiles->Alert Preferences->Deletes your reputation.

Deletion of ratings is time based (minutes). By default it is set to 0 minutes. Meaning users will not be able to delete their ratings at all. If you want to change that then at the 0 field enter the number of minutes that you want your users to wait before they will be able to delete their own ratings. If you do not want to have a limit at all for rating deletion, set it to Unlimited.

You can set that a thread that receives a maximum amount of negative points to go automatically to the moderation queue and/or to close. Whereas for threads that receive a maximum amount of positive rating points you can set them as sticky.

Thread starters will be notified through an alert whenever their threads have been rated. If an user and/or users do not want to receive an alert they can disable them at their profiles->Alert Preferences.

Thread starters can also ban users from rating their threads. Staff members will not be affected by this and they will be notified with an alert when an user bans someone from rating their threads.

An overall overview of all thread ratings in your forum can be seen at Acp->Tools->Thread ratings Log. There is also the Recount And Rebuild tool. Running this tool will delete ratings left and received in deleted threads and by deleted users. Note that this may take a while in big forums with large numbers of ratings. You can delete the rating entries as well and you can also search for ratings left by users.

You can also delete all the ratings given by an user to a thread(s) in one fell swoop. To do that, when editing an user, under the Action drop down tab there is a new option added called: Delete All Thread Ratings. Click it and run it.

And as last but not least, you can sort threads by Ratings. You can set the Ratings option to sort threads by default on a forum per forum basis under the Forum Options tab at the Default Sort Order.

You can also set Ratings as default option to sort all threads in all forums in one fell swoop at the Acp->Options->Thread Rating System->Forum Thread Sorting Order!

After you install the mod go to the group(s) that you want to use the Thread Rating System and when editing that group permissions, all the way to the bottom you will see a new permission setting added: Thread Rating System. It has 12 permissions.

1) Can rate threads:
If this is set to No then users of that group will not be able to use the Thread Rating System.

2) Can rate threads anonymously:

This controls if members of this group can rate threads anonymously.

3) Maximum rating points:
Leave 0 to for the standard 1 point:
Here you can choose the maximum of the rating points that you want users of that group to give when rating threads. If left to 0 then the standard rating points that they can give is 1.

4) Can choose number of rating points to give:
If this is set to Yes then users of that group will be able to choose a number of rating points to leave from the maximum set by the permission above. i.e. if the maximum rating points is set to 10 then users can give 5,6,7,8, 9 etc, i.e how many they like.

5) Can use negative points to rate threads:
If this is set to Yes then users of that group will be able to give negative points. Negative points are prefixed with -. If an user receives negative point(s) then the number of the negative point(s) will be removed/deducted from the positive point(s).

6) Daily rep limit. Leave 0 for no limit:
Here you can choose how many threads users of that group can rate for the day. This is to stop abusing of the rating system.

7) View ratings for own threads only:

8) View ratings for all threads:

9) Can view anonymous ratings for own threads only:

10) Can view anonymous ratings for all threads:

11) Can ban users from rating own threads only:

12) Can ban users from rating all threads:

13) Can delete own ratings

14) Time limit on deleting own ratings (minutes)

Set them accordingly and save the changes.

The mod settings can be found at Acp->Options->Thread Rating System. There you can:

1) Exclude Forums from rating threads.

2) Make rating comment required or optional

3) Set a minimum characters limit for the comments.

4) Show the ratings in the thread list.

5) Send threads automatically to the moderation queue if they have received x negative rating points.

6) Lock threads automatically if they have received x negative rating points.

7) Stick threads automatically if they have received x positive rating points.

8) Administrators and Super Moderators can receive an alert whenever someone bans an user from rating threads.

9) Forum Thread Sorting Order! If enabled all thread sorting order for all forums at Thread Display Options will be set to Ratings.

Set them accordingly and save the changes.​
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32.8 KB
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