Brivium - Auto Birthday Greeter

xF1 Add-on Brivium - Auto Birthday Greeter 2.1.0

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Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.2
  2. 1.3
  3. 1.4
  4. 1.5
You want to celebrate your member’s birthday without spending a lot of time in writing emails or creating threads? Yes, this add-on will help you out of that by sending a birthday greeting to your users by your own content you created.

This add-on will allow you to send out automated birthday greetings to your users in several different ways on their birthdays. The add-on will add a cron job that will run every day at 24.00 at the midnight and it is making use of the server time to get the birthdays.

You can send an automated greeting to your users on their birthdays using the following methods.

1) You can send them an automated PC. Smiles and BB Code are supported. The automated PC can be set to be closed or opened. Note that users will not be able to reply to the closed Happy Birthday PC.

2) It will start a new thread at a forum of your choice on a user 's birthday. The thread will be separate for each user so they can feel more appreciated. Smiles and BB Code are supported. You can also choose to post the automated Happy Birthday threads as sticky and in an opened or closed state.

NOTE: If this option is enabled, then the forum list should not be left blank. You must a choose a forum where you want the Happy Birthday thread to be posted automatically.

3) An automated Happy Birthday message will be posted on your user profiles on their birthdays. User tagging alert and Smiles&BB Code supported.

4) An automated Happy Birthday email will be sent to your users as well on their birthdays.

5) It will also show a list with all the birthdays of users in the sidebar.

6) Users' privacy will be respected as well. Meaning that if a user does not want to show the Show day and month of birth and the Show year of birth, then he/she will not receive any automated birthday greeter PC/profile post, nor would an automated birthday greeter thread will be started for him/her. And he/she won't be shown in the today ''s birthday sidebar list.

7) The users who are banned will not show up, nor would they receive an automated PC/profile, post or a thread will be created to congratulate the banned user and he/she won't be shown in the today ''s birthday sidebar list. The same goes for all those users who have not confirmed their account at your forum. You can also set a last activity filter. So users who have not been logging in to your forum for x amount of time will not be receiving the Happy Birthday notifications. You can also set a group(s) filter where you can exclude members of a certain group(s) from receiving the Happy Birthday Notifications.

8) Birthday Bonus Likes. You can choose how many bonus likes, you can give users on their birthdays. Users will receive an alert informing them about the bonus birthday’s likes.

9) The display of Today 's Birthdays in the sidebar can be enabled/disabled and you can also set a limit on how many users you would like to show in Today 's Birthdays sidebar block. By default it is set to show 12 users.

The subject and message of, PC, profile post, thread and email are personalized so it will display their names and you can also set from whom the birthday greetings will be sent.
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First release
Last update

More resources from AnimeHaxor

Latest updates

  1. Version 2.1.0

    - Re-structure greeting configuration. - Minor bug fixes.

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