Brivium - Advanced Reputation System

xF1 Add-on Brivium - Advanced Reputation System 4.1.0

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Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.2
  2. 1.3
  3. 1.4
  4. 1.5
You can leave a reputation for posts and threads that catch your attention, for good or bad. The reputation points can be positive and/or negative. You can also leave a comment as well to go with your reputation point(s).
Reputations can also be left anonymously. This is group permissioned based. Only users with permissions to view anonymous reputations will be able to view the anonymous reputations. Users receiving anonymous reputations will receive an alert informing them of that fact. Receiving of anonymous reputations can be enabled/disabled at users profiles->Alert Preferences->Reputation.

After giving a reputation users have also the option to remove it. This is group permissioned based. Users whose reputation(s) will be removed will receive an alert informing them of that fact. Receiving of reputation deletion alerts can be enabled/disabled at users profiles->Alert Preferences->Deletes your reputation.

If a post has received x amount of negative reputation points you can set it to go automatically to the moderation queue.

You can place an user who has received x number of negative reputation in post moderation in forums of your choice.

Then the user that you left the reputation for will be notified about your reputation point(s) and comment if entered through an alert. If an user and/or users do not want to receive an alert they can disable them at their profiles->Alert Preferences->Reputation. Un-check the box and save the changes.

An overview of users reputations, given and received is available as follows:
1) At their profile a new tab called Reputations has been added. Their are logged all reputations that an user has received. Its view is group permissioned based for viewing reputations in own profiles only and/or for all profiles.
2) An overview of all reputations that an user has given is available in their account settings. A new link called: Reputations You've Given link has been added to the users drop down visitors tab. Upon clicking it users will be able to see an overview of all reputation(s) that they have given to other users for their post(s).
After you install the mod go to the group(s) that you want to use the Reputation System then when editing that group permissions, all the way to the bottom you will see a new permission setting added: Reputation System. It has 16 permissions.1) Can use the reputation system:
If this is set to No then users of that group will not be able to use the Reputation System or view the rep stats.2) Can view reputations in users postbits for own posts only
3) Can view reputations in users postbits for all posts4) Maximum reputation points. Leave 0 to for the standard 1 reputation point:

Here you can choose the maximum of the reputation points that you want users of that group to leave in posts and threads. If left to 0 then the standard reputation points that they can give is 1.5) Can choose number of reputation points to give:
If this is set to Yes then users of that group will be able to choose a number of reputation points to leave from the maximum set by the permission above. i.e. if the maximum reputation points is set to 10 then users can give 5,6,7,8 etc, how many they like.6) Can give negative reputation:
If this is set to Yes then users of that group will be able to give negative points. Negative points are prefixed with -. If an user receives negative point(s) then the number of the negative point(s) will be removed/deducted from the positive point(s).7) Daily rep limit. Leave 0 for no limit:
Here you can choose how many reputation point(s) users of that group can give for the day. This is to stop abusing of reputations.
Post flooding protection applies in giving reputations as well.8) User Spread Limit. What does that mean? It means how many unique members a user of that particular group must give reputation before they are able to give reputation the same member twice. Set it to unlimited for no limit. Just like vb has it as well.
Also the reputation comments have been made optional or required. Staff members are excluded from this limit.9) Exclude from the reputation to enter forums limit 10) Permissions to view reputation tab on user profiles in own profiles.
11) Permissions to view reputation tab on user profiles in all profiles.12) Permissions to view the reputation statistics page
. 13) Can give reputations anonymously.
14) Can view anonymous reputations.15) Delete own reputations.16) Time limit on deleting own reputations (minutes):
By default it is set to 0 minutes. Meaning users will not be able to delete their reputations at all. If you want to change that then at the 0 field enter the number of minutes that you want your users to wait before they will be able to delete their own reputations.
If you do not want to have a limit at all for reputation deletion, set it to Unlimited.

Set the settings accordingly and then save the changes.

You can also make the entrance to a forum and/or forums reputation count based. To do so, go to the forum in question and when changing it under Basic Information tab, all the way to the bottom you will see a new setting called: Reputation Count: Set it accordingly and then save the changes. To exclude a group(s) from this limit see the group permission 6 above.

It adds to the user criteria as well. Now you can add trophy points, use the group promotion, show noticed or anything that has to do with the User Criteria for the users who fulfill the following reputation criterias:
a) User has received at least X reputation points:
b) User has no more than X reputation points:

You can also view an overview of all reputations given and received in your forum under the Acp->Tools->Reputation Log. There is also the Recount And Rebuild tool. Running this tool will delete reputations left and received in deleted posts and by deleted users. Note that this may take a while with large numbers of reputations. You can delete the reputation entries as well and you can also search reputations received by users.
There you can also clear all reputations tool. This is to be used with caution. This will delete all reputations given in posts and reset the reputation count to 0 as well for all users.

Users can not give reputation to themselves. All reputations for e post can be viewed at the user 's postbit for that particular post. Also an overview of the reputations that an user has received can be seen in his profile in the forum. At the Reputation Tab. Also the reputation comments can be set to be required or not. Staff is excluded from this.

The number of reputations that an user has received will be shown in their visitor panel area, postbits, member card and at the member list.

You can also decide to show a list of your most reputation members in the sidebar and in the member list. Both these options can be enabled/disabled separately at Acp->Settings->Reputation System.
Several other options are also available, such as:
1) An option to choose a forum(s) to disable the Reputation System.
2) Minimum characters in reputation comments.
3) Bad?spam Words Filter. You can block a word(s) from being posted in reputation comments.
4) Registration Reputation Points. Now you can give users reputation points upon completing their registration at your forum. They will get an alert with a welcome message where they are informed about the fact they they have received reputation point(s).
5) Birthday Reputation Points! Now you can give users reputation points on their birthdays. They will get an alert with a Happy Birthday message where they are informed about the fact they they have received reputation point(s). The mod adds a cron job that will run every day on 24.00 at the midnight and it is making use of the server time to get the users birthdays.
Important: Do not run the cron manually because that will keep adding the birthday point(s). Let the cron run manually. But in case that you will run it manually you can reset an user reputation points with ease at their profiles.
6) Account Upgrade Reputation Points! Now you can give users reputation points when they upgrade their accounts.
7) Spice up the postbit to show the reputation point(s) depending on the status. Positive ones will be shown in green and negative in red. You can also use images if you like.
8) Adding reputation point(s) when user upload avatars/update existing ones.
9) Adding reputation point(s) to user after their post(s) has been liked. The reputation point(s) will be removed automatically when their post(s) has been un liked.
10) Adding reputation point(s) to user after their profile post(s) has been liked. The reputation point(s) will be removed automatically when their profile post(s) has been un liked.
11) Enable/Disable the reputation statistics tab
12) Choose the number of positive/negative posts/users stats to show.
13) Maximum Negative Points Moderated Posts! This option controls how much negative reputation points a post must receive to be sent to the moderation queue? If it is the first post then the whole thread will go to the moderation queue. Leave 0 to disable this option.
14) User Moderation! This option controls how much negative reputation points an user must have received before their posts/threads to be sent to the moderation queue? Leave 0 to disable this option.
15) Moderation Forums!

Also a converter to import the reputation points from vb 3.8&4.2 and MyBB 1.6&1.8 beta 2 to the Advanced Reputation System is available.
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First release
Last update

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Latest updates

  1. Version 4.1.0

    - Added [bd] Reputation System Importer - Minor bug fixes.
  2. Updated


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