
xF1 Add-on Bookmarks 2.0.4 Beta

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Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.3
  2. 1.4
  3. 1.5
Additional Requirements
php 5.4+
Bookmarks is a way to conveniently display a link to content of thread and profile posts you find informative or otherwise interesting.
This saves you the hassle of rummaging through multiple threads or multiple pages in order to locate that single post you wanted to have a second look at.
Currently installed on many large forums with no reported issues.

  • Works with XenForo 1.3.x and newer.
  • No branding copyright text. No need to pay extra for a “branding free” version of this add-on.
  • To save a bookmark, click the 'Bookmark' link located at the bottom of each thread post or profile post. Each bookmark may include a note to remind yourself as to why you decided to bookmark it in the first place.
  • These bookmarks are displayed on the user's Account page where they may be viewed, edited, or deleted.
  • Bookmarks display a note, a snippet of the post message, as well as an overlay of the post. Each bookmark contains:
    • Optional note to self.
    • Post message snippet which may include thumbnails of any attachments.
    • An overlay with the post message (without attachments), thus removing the need to physically go to the post in question. This overlay is triggered when the note to self or message snippet are clicked.
    • Links to the post author, the post, and the thread or profile it belongs to.
    • Thread name may include a preview tooltip and thread prefix. This option is set in the ACP.
  • Shared bookmarks. Option to share bookmarks with other members. Shared bookmarks are displayed via a tab on the member profile page.
  • Organise bookmarks using Tags. These tags are used to filter the bookmark list on the Account page.
  • Receive an alert whenever a bookmarked post status is changed. Option to receive an alert whenever a bookmarked post is deleted, edited, merged with another, or moved to a forum which the bookmark creator cannot view. All alerts provide a pop-up overlay of the post. Even bookmarked posts which get deleted provide this overlay of the deleted post contents so you may have one last look at it. These alert preferences may be set by each member via their Account page.
  • Display selected bookmarks in a quick link navigation tab. Option to display selected bookmarks as a list for quick access via a navigation tab.
  • User group permissions - specify which group may bookmark. Limit by general usergroup or node by node.
  • Bookmarks Count - option to display a bookmarks count and link on the member card overlay. Only public/shared bookmarks will be counted.
  • Daily Stats - keep track of how many posts your members actually bookmark.
  • Stats by Type - option to display bookmarks statistics by content type (ie Thread Posts, Profile Posts, Resources, Showcase Items).
  • Most Bookmarked Content - ability to view the top X most bookmarked content via the ACP. This is useful to find out which type of content your users like to keep tabs on the most.
  • Ability to bookmark Showcase items - requires Showcase version 1.3.0 or higher.
  • Ability to bookmark Resources - requires XenForo Resource Manager version 1.0.1 or higher.
  • Does not affect the XenForo 'user' or 'post' MySQL tables so can easily be added to, or removed from, large boards.
  • Add-on is fully phrased.
  • Should a post that has been saved as a bookmark be deleted (whether 'soft' or 'hard'), the bookmark item will also be deleted.
  • Should a post be moved to a thread its creator cannot view, the bookmark item will be deleted.
  • Should a post be merged with another which the bookmark creator cannot view, the bookmark item will be deleted.
  • Should a thread be moved to a different category, or merged with another thread, which the bookmark creator cannot view, the bookmark item will be deleted.
  • Should a user limit his/her profile page causing the bookmark creator to not be able to view it, the profile post bookmark item will be deleted.
  • Should a User be deleted, all bookmark items created by that member will be deleted, however, all bookmark items that belong to other users and link to content created by the now deleted member will remain (as XenForo does not delete their posts).
  • A cron entry is included to check for deleted users or content - this may occur if the add-on is disabled for any period of time. This cron runs once a month but only if the add-on was disabled.
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  1. 2.0.4 Beta

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