BbCodes & Buttons Manager

xF1 Unmaintained BbCodes & Buttons Manager 3.3.5

No permission to download
Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.1
  2. 1.2
  3. 1.3
  4. 1.4
  5. 1.5
Creative Commons BY 3.0 license

Bb Codes & Buttons Manager

Addon Presentation

This addon allows you to create some Bb Codes & Buttons and to configure some of the XenForo default Bb Codes. You can also position Bb Codes with a button in the editor toolbar (compatible with the XenForo redactor editor and with the TinyMCE Quattro editor).

Bb Codes creation
  • Parsing methods
    You've got three different ways to create your Bb Codes:
    1. direct replacement with fallbacks (not recommended to deal with options)
    2. Template (callbacks available - see the FAQ)
    3. Php callback
  • Parser options
    The XenForo original parser options are there, some new ones to:
    • Stop auto-linking (compatible with former XenForo versions)
    • Parse tag options
    • Empty content check (don't parse if content empty)
    • Wrapping tag
    • Etc.
  • Parser permissions (who can use the Bb Code)
    • The permissions are available for the Bbm Bb Codes and the XenForo default Bb Codes. Important: this feature is experimental.
    • [*]Retrieving posts datas can not be easily done: the way XenForo parses messages is not post by post but at once by page with all posts information provided also at once. These posts information are used to create a map of the tags and each time a Bb Code is processed, a function tries to locate it on the map. Even if this feature has been tested, be sure to check if this feature is working fine with your forum (just try to perform a check in a thread with many posts)

  • View permissions (who can see the Bb Code content)
    A BbCode Content Protection System (BCPS) has been included (you must activate it first and carefully read the disclaimer). This BCPS is needed in some areas of your website to securise the content of your Bb Codes. It is compatible with the Bbm Bb Codes and some of the XenForo default Bb Codes
  • Editor button
    • Configure a button for your Bb Code, you can give it some permissions, preset its options and/or content
    • You can also customize its return (overlay/direct code insertion) - only compatible with TinyMCE Quattro
    • If you only need to create an orphan button (a button without a Bb Code), the creation procedure is the same. Just put the character "@" before its tag name.

    Bb Codes Import/Export system
    • Support bulk Bb Codes import/export
    • A bulk export utility provided (Bb Codes can be exported by addons)

    Editor layout configuration & Buttons Manager
    • Left to right/Right to left language configuration (only for TinyMCE Quattro)
    • Create your own editor configuration
    • Configure your editor for mobiles deviced
    • Configure your editor for tablets (requires an extra addon)
    • Configure your editor by Controller & View => this will allow you for example to have another layout for the fast reply editor
    • Configure your editor by forum
    Configure XenForo default Bb Codes
    • Enable/disable them
    • Permissions
    • Add them a wrapper (callback available - see demo in the extras directory)
    • Empty content check (don't parse if content empty)
    Bb Codes available (provided as a demo in the extras directory)
    • highlighter
    • h2 paragraph
    • spoiler
    • protected (uses the view permissions)
    • raw (html)
      This Bb Code is experimental (as it's using the parser permissions)
      It allows to inject html code in your posts. For a similar Bb Code but written by a professional coder.

    • Use an installer or the manual method:
      upload the CONTENT of the "upload" directory (of the archive) inside your forum directory and THEN import the addon xml file (from the EXTRA directory)

    • Important
      1. Custom BB Code Manager addon. To prevent any errors on your forum, this addon will not be active on the public section if you have on your server the Custom BB Code Manager addon. This system lets you have temporarily both addon installed so you can take your time to migrate from one to another one. For more information, read the red notice on the main page of the administration.
      2. Note for PHP 5.2.x users. You will need to modify a XenForo file. See the point 5 of the FAQ.

    Configure the addon in:
    • ADMIN->HOME->Bb Codes & Buttons Manager (will redirected to all available sections)
    • ADMIN->Appearance->Style Properties->BBM Bb Codes (to controle the appearance of some Bb Codes)
    P.S: the Bb Codes xml files of the Custom BB Code Manager addon are not compatible with this addon. You will need to recreate them or convert them (a tool is provided).
Basic support given: "a problem? => you fix it"

712.5 KB
First release
Last update

More resources from AnimeHaxor

Latest updates

  1. Version 3.3.5 released

    Version 3.3.5 released Support for bbcode render permissions in reports for post Fix bbcode...
  2. Version 3.3.4 released

    Version 3.3.4 released Permissions bug fixed (thanks to Xon) Improve listeners performance for...
  3. Version 3.3.3 released

    Version 3.3.3 released Fix the Bb Codes inside Signatures - Thanks to Gates A TinyMCE button...

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