- Compatible XF Versions
- 1.5
- Additional Requirements
- php 5.4+
Xen Product Manager 1.2.x+
Licence claim process for XenForo Product Manager, based of an add-on provided Chris D for handling xenmods add-ons, this has been generalized to handle any number of sites that XPM licences have been exported from.
Some assembly required. You will need to manually export SQL from the exporting side, and then manually import the SQL on the importing side. There is no UI for this.
on the exporting side:
Importing side
Some assembly required. You will need to manually export SQL from the exporting side, and then manually import the SQL on the importing side. There is no UI for this.
on the exporting side:
- Export the contents of the following query, replacing (...) with the list of product ids that are being exported.
- xenproduct_external_licence2 is a staging table name and SHOULD NOT be xenproduct_external_licence
create table xenproduct_external_licence2 as
SELECT item.cart_id, item.product_id, item.item_id, license.license_alias, license.license_url, license.expiry_date, license.purchase_date, license.license_optional_extras, cart.cart_key, user.user_id, user.username, user.email
FROM xenproduct_cart_item AS item
INNER JOIN xenproduct_license AS license ON
(item.item_id = license.item_id)
INNER JOIN xenproduct_cart AS cart ON
(item.cart_id = cart.cart_id)
INNER JOIN xf_user AS user ON
(cart.user_id = user.user_id)
WHERE item.product_id IN(...) - export the table;
mysqldump xenproduct_external_licence2
Importing side
- Install this add-on.
- Insert site record, note the label is end-user viewable;
insert ignore into xenproduct_site_claimable (site_claimable_id, label) values (1, 'Example.com') - Recreate each add-on.
- set the site + external product id as required.
- copy data over with the correct site_claimable_id (ie change the 1 in the following query);
insert ignore xenproduct_external_licence (site_claimable_id, cart_id, product_id, item_id, license_alias, license_url, expiry_date, purchase_date, license_optional_extras, cart_key, user_id, username, email)
select 1, cart_id, product_id, item_id, license_alias, license_url, expiry_date, purchase_date, license_optional_extras, cart_key, user_id, username, email
from xenproduct_external_licence2; - cleanup staging table once confident:
drop table xenproduct_external_licence2;