- Updated: Http timeout for interactive with Api
- Updated: window.onload to addEventlistener in theme.js
- Updated: Language file

- Fixed: Issue where boxshadow function does not work in Elementor (feature request)
- Fixed: Issue which load more or infinite scroll function does not work in shop builder when YITH Ajax Product Filter is activated
+ Added: Compatibility with WordPress 6.2.2
+ Added: Compatibility with Elementor 3.13.2

- Updated: WordPress Importer plugin to import a demo

- Fixed: Issue which the display condition was not displayed on the Elementor Top Bar(New Feature in Elementor 3.13.0)
- Fixed: Issue which the bulk menu function did not work (Feature Request)
- Fixed: Issue which infinite loading icon did not show in studio candidate
+ Added: Compatibiltiy With WooCommerce 7.6.0
- Updated: Slider Revolution 6.6.12
- Fixed: Issue when swatch slug of variable product is multilanguage
- Fixed: Security issue of live search
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Reactions: tanjubor
+ Added: Compatibiltiy with WordPress 6.2-RC2(Before stable release WordPress 6.2-2023.3.28)
+ Added: Compatibiltiy with Elementor 3.12.0-Beta2

- Fixed: Issue where the option to disable the woocommerce gutenberg block did not work properly in admin
- Fixed: Issue which default pagination don't work well on shop builder with YITH Ajax Product Filter
- Fixed: Issue which elementor block css is not loaded due to server configuration
- Fixed: Issue where the single product widget was not displayed on the homepage when using the single product builder
+ Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce 7.5 and RC
+ Added: Compatibiltiy with YITH Badge Management on post type builder (feature request)
- Fixed: translation issue of wishlist table
- Fixed: issue which the regenerate css function did not work properly in elementor
+ Added: Heading option to the linked products widget in the single product builder (the feature request of crazy_cube).
+ Added: Theme Options to show menu locations in the mobile menu individually (the feature request)
- Updated: Video of the featured image widget in the single builder
- Updated: Sticky navigation in Business Consulting 5 works well
- Updated: Porto Patcher with a version update
- Updated: Plugin installs on Setup Wizard
- Updated: Compatibility with YITH WooCommerce Wishlist 3.17.0
- Updated: Compatibility with YITH WooCommerce Compare 2.22.0
- Updated: Compatibility with YITH Frequently Bought Together 1.25.0
- Updated: WPBakery image on Setup Wizard
- Fixed: Single product vendor select form not working properly with Dokan plugin.
- Fixed: Sales Flash function not working properly.
- Fixed: PHP 8.1, 5.6 version issue
- Fixed: Architecture 2 demo import error
- Fixed: Add to cart compare popup error on sticky-both product page
- Fixed: View cart style issue on single product page
Porto 6.7.0 introduces the newly added features: patcher, studio candidate and so on, making it more user-friendly. For the upcoming demo, many new effects have been added.
And there is so much more. See it all below.

+ Added: WPBakery Personal Portfolio1 Demo using Full Site Editing
+ Added: Elementor Personal Portfolio1 Demo using Full Site Editing
+ Added: Patcher to tool allows you to install bug fixes released
+ Added: loading overlay and preview image in studio candidate(6.6.0)
+ Added: Maintenance mode on theme option
+ Added: option to refresh condition in Page Layout for user-friendly
+ Added: option to refresh studio blocks in preview studio for user-friendly
+ Added: option to recompile css in advanced tab of speed optimize wizard for user-friendly
+ Added: "Disable WooCommerce Gutenberg Blocks & YITH Blocks" in other minify tab of Speed optimize wizard
+ Added: thumbnail size option to grid and masonry type of image widget in single builder of Elementor and WPBakery
+ Added: 'offer ends in' label in WPBakery Countdown Widget
+ Added: 'offer ends in' label in Elementor Countdown Widget
+ Added: 'offer ends in' label in Gutenberg Countdown Widget
+ Added: scroll rotate option to Elementor floating effect
+ Added: scroll rotate option to WPBakery floating effect
+ Added: spotlight effect to the Elementor cursor widget
+ Added: spotlight effect to the WPBakery cursor widget

- Updated: To WooCommerce latest template
- Updated: Show warning message when you install demo again after installing demo in setup wizard
- Updated: Theme Option Panel
- Updated: Scale background option by scrolling to "Scroll Effect in Viewport" in Porto Addons of Elmentor and WPBakery
- Updated: the html tag of product title to h2 from h1 in the single product page
- Updated: Preview shop builder similar to the frontend in Elementor and WPBakery for user-friendly
- Updated: Navigation menu widget in header builder of Elementor and WPBakery for user-friendly
- Updated: Mobile Menu Icon widget in header builder of Elementor and WPBakery for user-friendly
- Updated: Mini Cart widget in header builder of Elementor and WPBakery for user-friendly
- Updated: Search Form widget in header builder of Elementor and WPBakery for user-friendly
- Updated: Switcher widget in header builder of Elementor and WPBakery for user-friendly
- Updated: Social icon widget in header builder of Elementor and WPBakery for user-friendly
- Updated: Product Add To Cart widget in single product builder of Elementor and WPBakery for user-friendly
- Updated: Product image widget in single product builder of Elementor and WPBakery for user-friendly
- Updated: Product Meta widget in single product builder of Elementor and WPBakery for user-friendly
- Updated: Prev and Next Navigation widget in single product builder of Elementor and WPBakery for user-friendly
- Updated: Related Products widget in single product builder of Elementor and WPBakery for user-friendly
- Updated: Product Tabs widget in single product builder of Elementor and WPBakery for user-friendly
- Updated: Upsells widget in single product builder of Elementor and WPBakery for user-friendly
- Updated: Filter toggle widget in shop builder of Elementor and WPBakery for user-friendly
- Updated: Elementor Blog widget for user-friendly
- Updated: WPBakery Blog widget for user-friendly
- Updated: Elementor Events widget for user-friendly
- Updated: WPBakey Events widget for user-friendly
- Updated: Elementor Members widget for user-friendly
- Updated: WPBakery Members widget for user-friendly
- Updated: Elementor Portfolio widget for user-friendly
- Updated: WPBakery Portfolio widget for user-friendly
- Updated: Elementor Products widget for user-friendly
- Updated: WPBakery Products widget for user-friendly
- Updated: Elementor Recent members widget for user-friendly
- Updated: WPBakery Recent members widget for user-friendly
- Updated: Elementor Recent portfolios widget for user-friendly
- Updated: WPBakery Recent portfolios widget for user-friendly
- Updated: Elementor Recent posts widget for user-friendly
- Updated: WPBakery Recent posts widget for user-friendly
- Updated: WooCommerce Waitlist Plugin compatibility in single product page
- Updated: ios device detection
- Updated: meta fields for various post type
- Updated: twitter_tweets widget to latest version

- Fixed: critical css is not well working on tablet devices
- Fixed: An issue hiding the block in the WooCommerce sidebar of Product Archive with Horizontal Filter1 layout
- Fixed: An issue not shown correctly in Elementor preview of Product Archive builder
- Fixed: An issue not shown correctly in WPBakery preview of Product Archive builder
- Fixed: An issue that WPBakery backend ajax save isn't working with Rank Math SEO plugin
- Fixed: An issue that the horizontal scroller isn't working when the page is loaded in the footer
- Fixed: Wishlist widget of single product builder isn't working when "Enable AJAX loading" option is enabled in wishlist plugin
- Fixed: An issue that incorrect dynamic fields are shown in the type builder
- Fixed: an issue that menu lazyload is not well working

- Removed: show_swatch option in Full Site Editing Mode
- FIXED: WPBakery frontend page builder style not working properly.
- FIXED: Exerpt case for extract function in porto-functionality/widgets/block.php
- FIXED: Style spelling issue.
- FIXED: Dokan vendor list item's follow button not working properly.
+ NEW: Added WPBakery Seo 3 Demo using Full Site Editing
+ NEW: Added Elementor Seo 3 Demo using Full Site Editing
+ NEW: Added studio candidate function on elementor and wpbakery
+ NEW: Added ajax save function in menu wizard
+ NEW: Added hover split effect to Elementor section and WPBakery row
+ NEW: Added horizontal scroller effect to Elementor section
+ NEW: Added horizontal scroller widget to WPBakery
+ NEW: Added highlight option to Ultimate Heading widget
+ NEW: Added Content Switcher widget to Elementor and WPBakery
+ NEW: Added Tag Cloud widget to Elementor and WPBakery
+ NEW: Added Gutenberg Countdown widget
+ NEW: Added 40+ preset types to studio for widgets
+ NEW: Added conditional rendering option for page or post
+ NEW: Added quick access for user friendly in Elementor and WPBakery widgets
+ NEW: Added FBT widget to Single Product Builder
+ NEW: Added YITH Compare widget to Single Product Builder
+ NEW: Added Quick Toolbar in Elementor and WPBakery preview for user-friendly
+ NEW: Added Gutenberg Modal of Type builder in Elementor preview and WPBakery Frontend Editor
+ NEW: Added animation for clicking section or tab on Elementor
+ NEW: Added Skin options to header widgets like Wishlist Icon, Search Form, My Account Icon, Compare Icon, Mini Cart
+ NEW: Insert product sale date to Porto Countdown widget as dynamic field in Type Builder and Single Product Builder
+ NEW: Compatibility with YITH FBT plugin for WooCommerce
+ NEW: Compatibility with YITH FBT Premium plugin for WooCommerce

- UPDATED: Move the Soft Mode on speed optimize wizard to Full Site Editing tab on setup wizard
- UPDATED: Theme Option panel
- UPDATED: Rename Soft Mode to Full Site Editing(FSE)
- UPDATED: Demo Content step on Setup Wizard
- UPDATED: Critical css engine with new version
- UPDATED: Sticky sidebar function on shop page
- UPDATED: WPB floating element for Frontend Editor
- UPDATED: Prevent that mobile menu ajax was requested several times
- UPDATED: Display condition for taxonomy page
- UPDATED: Generate unique identifier on the same term slug in various taxonomy
- UPDATED: Minimize the long task fro the performance
- UPDATED: Megamenu and reduce custom css on shop demo 1
- UPDATED: Megamenu and reduce custom css on shop demo 2
- UPDATED: Megamenu and reduce custom css on shop demo 4
- UPDATED: Elementor Business Consulting 2 Demo using Full Site Editing
- UPDATED: Elementor Education Demo using Full Site Editing
- UPDATED: Elementor Shop 32 Demo using Full Site Editing
- UPDATED: WPBakery Shop 32 Demo using Full Site Editing
- UPDATED: Elementor Shop 14 Demo using Full Site Editing
- UPDATED: WPBakery Shop 14 Demo using Full Site Editing
- UPDATED: Insert skin and position options for nav and dots of carousel
- UPDATED: Insert skin options for WPBakery Testimonial widget
- UPDATED: Compatibility with YITH Ajax Product Filter plugin for WooCommerce
- UPDATED: Compatibility with YITH Wishlist plugin for WooCommerce
- UPDATED: Compatibility with YITH Wishlist Premium plugin for WooCommerce
- UPDATED: Compatibility with YITH Compare plugin for WooCommerce
- UPDATED: Make menu sidebar sticky in menu wizard
- UPDATED: Template Builders with guide videos
- UPDATED: Menu wizard with a guide video
- UPDATED: Optimize wizard with a guide video
- UPDATED: Show message to editor window in production mode
- UPDATED: Added floating effect to WPBakery Column
- UPDATED: Added skin and layout options to Sticky Nav widget
- UPDATED: Added responsive align to Ultimate Heading widget
- UPDATED: Added responsive align to Info Box widget
- UPDATED: Added Type letter animation by word to Ultimate Heading widget
- UPDATED: Added dash animation to Button widget
- UPDATED: Added Hover Image option to feature widget of Type builder
- UPDATED: Gutenberg Site Editing offered since Wordpress 58 for user-friendly
- UPDATED: Added thumbnail carousel to Featured Image widget in Single Builder
- UPDATED: Added hyperlink to Elementor widgets and Section
- UPDATED: Added hyperlink to WPBakery row and column
- UPDATED: Elementor Product Type blocks in Studio
- UPDATED: WPBakery Product Type blocks in Studio
- UPDATED: Type and Skin options for Product Tabs widget in Single Product builder
- UPDATED: Documentation
- UPDATED: Reduced the server responding time

- FIXED: Issue that <span> tag is appeared when editor is converted from Frontend to Backend
- FIXED: Issue that width isn't 100% if the window size is smaller than 576px in WPBakery frontend editor
- FIXED: Responsive option not working for Button Group Control in WPBakery
- FIXED: Type letter animation not working correctly for Ultimate Heading widget
- FIXED: Generating critical css error on Elementor dom legacy mode
- FIXED: ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED js exception on generating critical css
- FIXED: Elementor demo import error about posts page
- FIXED: Studio import js console error without slider revolution or particular widgets
- FIXED: Studio import style error in WPB Frontend Editor
- FIXED: To load unnecessary main menu
- FIXED: To load unnecessary html about secondary menu
- FIXED: Not to well load lazy sidebar menu on page loading
- FIXED: Lazyload sidebar menu error with 2 menus was on sidebar.
- FIXED: Lazyload image error on menu hover.
- FIXED: Broken style using posts grid widget in elementor preview
- FIXED: Merge & Critical CSS error with lazyload menu
- FIXED: Remove wishlist item issue on offcanvas of post page.
- FIXED: Dynamic error in single product builder
- FIXED: Demo import issue
- Added: Compatibility WooCommerce 7.0.0.
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder plugin to 6.10.0.
- Fixed: Transportation demo import not working properly.
- Fixed: Rank Math SEO plugin setup wizard not working properly.
- Fixed: Rank Math SEO plugin not working properly with Porto WPBakery backend page builder.
- Fixed: WooCommerce 1C Data Exchange plugin no working properly.